Comparative Market Analysis
A Comparative Market Analysis (CMA) will give you a comprehensive breakdown of sales of properties similar to the type you are selling or buying within the last twelve (12) months in a specific geographic or market area. It will also include market trends, local lifestyle information, tax history, and other relevant facts about your market that may have an impact on your investment outlook.
A Comparative Market Analysis (CMA) will give you a comprehensive breakdown of sales of properties similar to the type you are selling or buying within the last twelve (12) months in a specific geographic or market area. It will also include market trends, local lifestyle information, tax history, and other relevant facts about your market that may have an impact on your investment outlook.
A Comparative Market Analysis (CMA) will give you a comprehensive breakdown of sales of properties similar to the type you are selling or buying within the last twelve (12) months in a specific geographic or market area. It will also include market trends, local lifestyle information, tax history, and other relevant facts about your market that may have an impact on your investment outlook.